Virtual Open Evenings (discontinued)

Join us on Jitsi Meet

I attended… but nothing happened.

Did I do something wrong?

Anyway… going to get something to eat. If anybody turns up and I’m not back please ring me on:
07445 996 047

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We’ve stopped using the virtual open evening invite, due to the physical Makerspace re-opening (and Jitsi becoming more difficult to use). Sorry about that!

Sorry Peter, as Claire says we stopped having the virtual evenings so we could concentrate on moving into our current (but then new) space.

I was sure we’d put a post in this thread to say that they were ending, and unpinned this thread. For some reason that doesn’t seem to have been the case.

I’ve unpinned the post now, and updated the thread title to avoid any future confusion. Apologies again for not making it clearer that these had come to an end,