Title: Going to the MakerSpace on Friday 6th January

Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I will be going to the MakerSpace on Friday 6th January as it’s the first Friday of the month. I have some project ideas that I’d like to work on, and it would be great to see anyone else who is able to make it there. We can have a cup of tea and chat about our projects while we work.

If you’re interested in joining me, please let me know. I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the MakerSpace!

Best regards,

Posted on Eventbrite to see if that generates any new interest and potential members: January MakerSpace Meetup in Surrey Hampshire: Friday, January 6th Tickets, Fri 6 Jan 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

Hi Matt’, what time are you planning to be there?
I have some things to work on too and Friday sounds good.


I’ll be there from 7pm on Friday.

I have a few projects I’m working on I will bring one along to work on.

I’ve been meaning to come along and find out about the Makerspace for ages. Seems like as good a time any if it’s OK for me to just turn up?

By all means Ben, it will be great meet you. We are on the first floor you’ll need to go round the back just past the food hatch.

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Drop me your number if you want a contact number as the room is a bit hard to find. It’s upstairs in the Boileroom past the tattoo Parlour and round the corner.

I’ll be there. No projects planned yet, maybe time to get some Arduino stuff out and experiment.