Hi folks,
A friend shared this link - thought people might like to take a look and register an opinion
MPs on the Environmental Audit Committee are looking to hear about the experience of people volunteering in repair cafes in the UK, and any barriers you face trying to repair electrical and electronic equipment.
The answers and examples to this survey will be used by the Committee to inform future questioning to the Government. The Committee does not, as a rule, pursue individual cases, but it wants to hear about your experiences as it assesses the Government’s overall performance. The information provided may be published and used in Committee proceedings.
Responses from this survey will shape our ongoing inquiry into Electronic Waste and the Circular Economy. You can learn more about this inquiry here: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/170/electronic-waste-and-the-circular-economy.
This survey will be open until 5 PM on 9th July and should take roughly 5 minutes to complete.