SHM GitHub Account

For anyone that has any code or other documents they think might be good to put under the SHM banner, there is an Organisation set up over at GitHub.

SHM GitHub Organisation

If you want access to it, just give a shout-out here with your github usernane, and one of us will hook you up with access.

We currently have some repositories in there for the laser cutter, for the space plans, for the storage unit and for a possible website theme.

  • membership_card - some OpenScad scripts for creating cards and badges
  • SpacePlans - various plans for the space
  • laser - models for the laser cutter and it’s furniture
  • MMSU - plans for the Massively Modular Storage Units
  • site_theme - source for the WordPress theme

add me please, the usual username :wink:


\o/ and I’ve been forking tonight already :slight_smile: