Screwfix Live 2017

29th September to 1st October, screwfix Live is back in Farnborough.

Last year was fun, I met up with @Jagmills and @mrdino and we all relieved ourselves of some burdensome money. I hope to go again this year, probably on the Saturday.

The complimentary goody bag for pre-registering was probably worth the trip.

You know what it really was, there was a really good selection of goodies.

We had a great time! From a maker perspective and not so much a spendy perspective, there were some really fun things to look at. One highlight for me was a demonstration model set up to show a vacuum cleaner’s amazing suction, which was a big column of water in a clear tube. There was also some games set up, like mini golf as well as a crystal maze-like golden ticket chamber :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the toilet-flush-pingpong-canon or whatever it was :smiley:

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Also, the dancing tub of fence paint! :smiley: