A page to keep track of some details about the green roomba in the space.
I saw a The Roomba when I visited, what’s your plan to do with it?
So I recently purchased this Roomba:
Currently, I am unable to successfully send a command to the Roomba and see any output (LEDs, sound, motor movement.
At a best guess this Roomba is part of the 400 series. You can find the SCI documentation for this series here:
irobot Roomba Serial Command Interface (SCI) Specification.pdf (261.2 KB)
In an attempt to prepare for running a microcontroller off the Roomba’s power supply, I have started putting the following together:
Still need to add the header for 5V (just before the LED’s resistor.
It is worth noting that the Roomba’s battery doesn’t work. I have attached a cable so we can power it from an external power supply:
I have attached this cable using an XT60 connector, so we should be able to swap it out for an actual batter in the future:
I believe the Roomba needs somewhere between 14 - 16.5v but double check the specification if you are unsure:
The battery contacts are also a little broken. If you want to, feel free to fix it
To make a life a little easier for anyone else wanting to play around with this, i have stored the components in Roomba’s dust tray:
If you want to make any serious modification to the Roomba, please give me a shout first. But for the most part, feel free to play around with it if you want.
Currently, just trying to control it over its serial connection.
Of possible use?
Includes info on how to use Roomba as a theremin
Sure you’re using an uprated regulator such as the 78S05?
Yeah the room a book is actually what I was following (with some googling as well)
If I remember correctly I think the regulator supports up to 30v in. I’ll get the number later today.
That’s cool. I plan to come on Friday. I wonder if you could replace the mechanical front bumper with proximity sensors.
hacking_roomba.pdf (7.9 MB)
So newer models have both. As they approach an obstacle the slowdown a little.
The regulator is L7805CV by the looks of things.
Ok, I’ll be making my way to the meeting. Be seeing you.
Had a pretty good night on Friday, managed to send some request to the Roomba that actually caused it to move.
I’ll add some pictures and stuff tomorrow
So a productive night on Friday, managed to send some simple commands to the Roomba over a COM/serial.
To make use of the bluetooth module, I needed to change it’s baud rate to 57600. I followed the following tutorials to do this:
- https://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Burn-a-Bootloader-to-Clone-Arduino-Nano-30/
- http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-and-hc-06-zs-040/
- http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-with-hc-05-bluetooth-module-at-mode/
- http://www.martyncurrey.com/hc-05-fc-114-and-hc-06-fc-114-first-look/
Now I just need to start retrieving data from the Roomba, but for that we need to step down the 5V TX to 3.3V.
Could use a LD1117 800mA low-dropout regulator. Buy from Cpc Farnell, Rapid Electronics or Cricklewood Electronics. There is also ESR Components www.esr.co.uk. for single orders. For a single data line a voltage limited device such as a zener diode may suffice or it may be possible to use a resistance divider- just sort out what current you require over 4mA to 16mA.
Have ordered a replacement battery, should be here next week