Who’s coming along this evening?
I fully intend to! I will continue with a knitting project of doom (1 year + into making a jumper).
@stochastic_forest, @AndrewPatience any updates with the sandals and do you want to bring stuff along for any help/tips?
Hi @Claire_Lonsdale,
thank you for the offer of help with the sandals, they may temporarily
have slipped down the priority list 
Though given the hot weather forecast for the weekend, that’s probably a bad thing.
Laser engraved camping gear labels and auction data wrangling are the projects
for this evening for me.
Look forward to catching up tonight!
The first project of the evening is completed - a bit of woodwork, storage shelving parts for @Heather. Now working on the sandals.
After that the plan is to test my new TS80 soldering iron.