Greetings, Makerpeeps!
Good news: I have some interest from the guy who offered me a place to hang my artwork in Godalming to laser cut a sign like the Shakespeare in Love one I made some time ago. Is the laser cutter up and running yet? Will need to know opening times and when anyone might be able to pick me up at the station, also. Yes…and will need to know if/how much I’ll need to pay to use the space as a guest member.
Many questions, I know, but I’ll need to get back to him soon, so some answers would be appreciated.
Cheers, guys.
Heather G.
P.S. my apologies for not taking the active role others have in moving the space; due to a medication snafu I’ve been down for the count much, if not all of the time.
Dear Heather,
Greetings from the IOW.
Hope you are well and coping with the heat!
Would you be interested in doing a wood laser sign in the style of the one I bought for Andy Bezear.
The words would be Beautiful Gate a place of healing heritage and hope.
Let me know if this could be possible.
All good wishes and blessings,