I’m thinking of making a machine to set off a Party Popper from a Raspberry Pi (or Arduino?)
Like this guy: https://twitter.com/CannonFodder/status/1127603014351585280
He has even done the laser cutter designs https://github.com/Corteil/Servo-Party-Popper
Has anybody got a mg996r servo motor?
There are some big servos in the space already (coincidentally in those drawers in the stool that you are now so familiar with )
They’re not metal geared but still pretty big. I suspect an MG servo is probably overkill, without reading the articles…
However you can get them on Amazon apparently, two for £12 - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Diymore-Digital-Helicopter-Airplane-controls/dp/B07DQFXDC9/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=mg996r&qid=1559583988&s=gateway&sr=8-6
Thanks Chris. I will take a look on Tuesday and the servos that we have.
I have design a circuit board for a different project but I’m not sure how to to design a PCB from it. Are you good at KiCad?