Modular Cafe events 2023

Dates for 2023, next one is Weds 15th March

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I’ll try to be there. Thanks for the heads up!

Hi Pablo, it was really good to meet you and your friend the other week!

Unfortunately I’m double booked for that day this month, so I can’t make it. Hopefully next month or sometime soon I’ll make it along to one of these - possibly even with a very small modular system!

Details of next mod caf:

Oh boy oh boy, there’s a Modular Cafe tomorrow at the wonderful centre in the end of the west. The West End Centre of course!

Synths, electronic music, mayhem, beer!



I desperately want to go, trying to get back into my synth hobby and this has always been a great source of inspiration :slight_smile:
Will any space members be attending?

I’d like to go, but once again I seem to have a band rehearsal on that evening.

You’d think by now I’d remember what evening ModCaf is on! So it looks like once again I’m saying “I’ll definitely make it to ModCaf next month”.

I need to get around to progressing with my diy module synth hobby too - currently I’ve got three modules built and I’ve only tested one!

They are:

At some point I’m going to really go for a complicated build and add a passive mult… but that’s a build for another day!

How’s your modular doing, are there any modules you’re finding especially good?

Sadly after a busy day at work, I decided to skip it, but made myself a promise I’ll be along at the next one no matter what.
I also spent some time sorting out my synth cabinet :slight_smile: pictures to follow at some point. It’s mostly become a hardware project rather than synth modules, coming up with a nice way to store all the patch cables is the current focus.

Probably my favourite module is an Antumbra Atom, which is a DIY clone of Mutable Instruments’ Elements. It’s just insanely versatile and the sounds it makes are mesmerising :slight_smile:

The last thing I built before my hiatus was a Monome Teletype and that has a heck of a learning curve but it’s really quite incredible how deep it is. Tons of possibilities!