Membership/ Laser cutter intro

Hi, looking to ‘finally’ sign up with you guys (came to an open evening last year xD, better late than never I guess).
So I guess I’m asking needs to be done to sign up, and if someone could show me the ropes of the laser cutter.

Bit about me:
Aerospace Engineer Grad from Surrey Uni, work at Dunsfold Park in Stainless steel filter design and production.


Hi there James! Welcome :slight_smile:

I would aim to come along on another open evening, which are every Tuesday and Friday. I am unfortunately not around this evening, but I will be at the space on Friday and will gladly show you around the laser cutter and help you sign up to the space and get you all sorted out.

Otherwise, I’m sure someone else could help you out tonight - the best bet being @stochastic_forest if he’s available.

Starting next week I’ll be in the space Tuesdays and Fridays again.

Awesome. I’ll pop my head in just incase, 6:30pm onwards?

Hey James, I’d just err on the safe side to avoid disappointment and aim for 7pm or onwards as you’ll have a better chance of finding someone then!

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Great intro last week, Hope I can bump into you tomorrow Chris and get a card? Payments been sent (finally been paid!)

Hi James, fantastic news. I will be there tonight, so do please pop in and I’ll try and get your card set up.


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