List of ESP8266 firmware

Though I would compile a list of ESP8266 firmware I have come across

These boards are giving Arduino a run for it’s money :slight_smile:

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I am not sure you could keep up, I have 25 projects I downloaded in 1 lump of official ESP8266:

1wire_ds18b20 = "Adaptation of Paul Stoffregen’s One wire library to the ESP8266"
at_v0.19_on_SDKv0.9.2 = "Standard AT Command set"
at_v0.20_on_SDKv0.9.3 = "Standard AT Command set"
at_v0.20_on_SDKv0.9.4 = "Standard AT Command set"
blinky = "The obligatory blinky demo, Blink an LED on GPIO pin 2"
blinky2 = "The blinky demo using an os timer"
dht11_22 = "Example read temperature and humidity from DHT22"
dht22 = "Example read temperature and humidity from DHT22"

Also, did you see the latest variant:

22 different functions on 26 pins.
First time I’ve seen the serial pins broken out

I haven’t got the latest one, but I completely skipped the ESP-01 due to lack of IO and annoying pinout which means you can’t plug it into a breadboard. I’ve got an ESP-12 on a board with LEDs on all the pins, regulator and a battery pack and also got the NodeMCU devkit arriving soon which is quite nice. It automatically puts the ESP into programming mode using the DTR pin on the CH340 serial converter and also fits onto a breadboard.

An interesting one for us ESP8266 fans from Hackaday:

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I really hope this is of use.

There is a guy creating complete Windows development platform for ESP8266, all the ESP8266 projects I mentioned are included with source code as active projects.
For full discussion see here:
To just get the code:
I have just downloaded his latest version as I believe it includes the new v0.9.5 SDK with a few bug fixes and AT flow control





Some on this forum would consider these words unspeakable on their own, let alone in a sentence :laughing: :laughing:

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Managed to find ESPINOUP which allows you to do over-the-air Arduino programming.

I remember this was possible with the Ethernet shield and a special bootloader which obtained a hex file over TFTP. This tool compiles ino files on their own servers, so no hunting in your temp directories for a hex - a downside to this is that you can’t use libraries.

Annoyingly these words work really well together for programming the ESP8266…!

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Life is mostly about self confidence, if you believe something is hard to do then it usually is, if you believe it’s going to be easy then it usually is. Software is actually easy. Tool chains are a different matter (tools needed to build software) . Very few professional software engineers know or care about tool chains. Small and medium companies buy an easy ready made tool chain, for ARM there are Keil MDK-ARM, IAR EW-ARM, Attolic TrueStudio, the cheapest of these is £500 for a single user, single year license. Large companies tend to make and maintain their own tool chains with dedicated tool guys. but in all cases, the software engineers are not really involved, they need to concentrate on the task in hand, not worry about the tools.
Espressif (company who creates ESP8266) do not have their own tool chain, the processor inside the ESP8266 is 32 bit, but it is not ARM based, it is Xtensa based and Espressif use Xtensa tool chain.
But we (hackers) don’t want to spend money (at least not that much), we want it free and that means it’s a little more difficult.

So, this guy:
Has done something really special, he has put together a tool chain that will allow you (hackers) to build and program your ESP8266 boards. Don’t be worried by the weird names etc. Just follow the instructions step by step and it will all work. When you install and use a web browser (any), you don’t care about how it works or why, you just follow instructions to install, then use it. Same with this.

It’s just that it’s hard to use, it is that the listed software has a bad reputation with some of us.

Windows = Not GNU/Linux :laughing:
Java = The major implementation is nonfree and has more holes than a nice chunk of swiss cheese
MinGW = “MingW is a pathetic attempt at getting *nix tools going.I have no idea why people would use this at all.
Eclipse =

Luckily there’s a open source SDK and flashing tool

I could do quotes too, but I don’t believe in them, you can find quotes for anything if you look for them.
I prefer my own opinions. I have dual boot Linux and Windows. I have tried most versions of Windows and most versions of Linux. I have written low level drivers and other software professionally for both, for home projects I chose to use Windows, that is my personal choice, but I am happy to go with the preference of the person / people I am working with at the time.
I have met Linux fans and iPhone fans and quite a few other members of other fan groups that absolutely know in no uncertain terms that their opinion is the most accurate. I have not argued with any of them and I don’t plan to start now.
Instead, please argue with these people:

Keep smiling

I was only joking, it seems as if it would be a rather useful tool for the ESP module :smiley:
It has been packaged up and additional tools added, which is rather nice.

It would be nice to see an Arduino-style IDE which doesn’t have clutter and does most of the legwork for you. There are tools for NodeMCU but they just seem too clunky and unreliable over serial - I’m really looking forward to updates of NodeLua, which would solve most of these issues, shame it’s limited at the moment.

It’s here!

I think it might be time for an ESP8266 workshop…

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I had a feeling this little board would takeoff. This new development will almost ensure it


See post above for download link!

Ooops, I didnt realise we were singing from the same hymn sheet. Yes, my link for the background and Marc’s (hope I spelt that right) link for the download.

I’ve been using the new arduino build for ESP8266 in anger and… it works really well!
I haven’t yet got it to work under OSX (a known bug according to their github issue tracker) so I’ve been using it under Windows.
I’ve created a ‘SDK.h’ file that I will probably use in all my ESP8266 projects - it brings in all the native SDK header files & functions alongside the native Arduino functions so you can do handy things like check how much free space is on the heap (until someone encapsulates this in a nice Arduino library).
I would happily recommended the ESP8266 (& compiling native code for it) to anyone considering it, forget using AT commands or the Lua firmware.

I want all the wifi functionality of ESP8266, but it’s not powerful enough on it’s own for what I want to do. So I am planning upon using the AT interface (or something similar). I’ve played extensively with an ESP8266 connected to a Due using AT interface and it was not as brilliant as I would like. I’ve put this down to lack of hardware handshaking. There is now a new firmware that supports RTS/CTS but only with ESP8266-03, so I am planning on using that and hoping it’s better.
Any alternative suggestions?

I can definitely second the recommendation for using the Arduino build for ESP8266. By judicious copy and pasting of various examples I have managed to build a little wireless web server that serves pages and responds to form values. For me the best bit of the ESP8266 is that you can use the wireless interface for communication and leave the serial port free for debug logging… no more flashing code with an LED :smile:

Looking at the SDK documentation there seems to be functionality for a RTC built into the chip as well as support for getting the time from an ntp server, but I can’t work out how to get to that from within the Arduino environment. Is that wher your SDK.h might help? If so are you prepared to share it in some way?
