Hello everyone. It occured to me that I havent made an introduction on here yet! Im trying to get better at forum posting but it’s a bit of an alien concept to me, im more of a lurker!
Design is a passion of mine, and a few years ago i impulse bought a printer and taught myself how to 3d model out of pure stubborn-ness as I was dead set on repairing some things I owned that you could no longer get parts for. 3 years later, here i am! Originally a qualified butcher by trade, i moved into working with people with substance abuse issues in my early 20s and now work full time 3d printing, UV printing and doing 3d modelling, autocad etc and have done for the last (almost) two years. (Studying a design and innovation degree alongside this) I also run a design business doing 3d modelling, printing, scanning and design work alongside consultancy and training etc.
Im also a musician and play the piano, accordion and guitar (amongst many others)
Another thing I like to do is save absolutely everything i can from being wasted. From bits of random pcb’s, plastic, tyres and even wheelchairs (yes thats right, i turned a wheelchair into a garden) nothing is safe from my weird vision.
(Im eying up those tyres behind the space, ive made planters from them before and would love to do it again )
Anyway, sorry for the long post! And thank you for all the votes. Im looking forward to becoming a director and helping the space grow. I appreciate that I’m new here but I absolutely love the community and am willing to help in any way I can! (Cant upload more than 5 photos unfortunately)
Im also thinking of running a few workshops. A 3d scanning workshop is definitely on the cards soon so keep your eyes peeled!