For anyone who couldn’t make it this week, here’s a quick write-up of what went on down at the hackspace.
@gingebot made some more progress upgrading and up-fitting the CNC router he’s been fixing up.
You can see more about his progress in his project log update.
@Macaba did a shoot-out between various USB power socket adapters, with varying results. Devices ranging in price from 99p to £11.99 were tested using a 200mA test load, with the results measured using an Agilent MSO-X 2000 series oscilloscope. You can see more in his project log update.
@the_mayor & @Macaba were busy chopping up some v-slot aluminium extrusion for some future projects, in preparation for black anodising before being built into something.
@graeme was doing something with a Raspberry Pi 2, a device we’ve quickly come to love at the hackspace.
@stochastic_forest was having fun using the free edition of Wolfram Mathematica which comes free with the Raspberry Pi 2.
I mostly made a mess with my new 3D printing pen. Which I’ve now discovered dislikes cheap PLA… seems to clog up very easily!
For anyone whose projects I missed, feel free to comment with what you were working on.