Guildford Library is running a series of Children’s workshops and are looking for people to help support the classes.
Is there any chance anyone could volunteer one Saturday morning (or more!) for our new programme of children’s events? We have leaders for each session, we need people to support - go round the room helping the children with the activities.
They’ll all happen on Saturday mornings between 10.30 and noon.
The programme:
Feb 2 - Creating an art machine with Littlebits
Feb 9 - Makey Makey
Feb 16 - Erase All Kittens (coding for children who like fluffy animals)
March 2 - Storybird digital storytelling
March 9 - Stellarium
March 16 - 3D printing
March 30 - Arduino sunflower
Yours hopefully
Helen Leech
Senior Manager, Digital Services
Surrey Library Service