Boiler Room

Nice to meet you Andrew!

May I come next Friday?

@matthewfelgate glad you could come along! I saw your post on the Facebook group the other day.

You are certainly most welcome to come along on Friday, I will be there and it would be great to meet you!

@matthewfelgate. Thank you for coming along on Tuesday, to meet us. Apologies is was a little quite, about half our after you left another 3 members arrived. Apparently they were all enjoying the sunshine.
@Jagmills is the one who ordered the PCBs for our LED project, so would be worth talking to about your project.

Yes. What time will you be there till tonight?

Hi @matthewfelgate - there’s a few of us (myself included) here now! I will probably be heading off around 9-10pm.

What time do you usually get there on Fridays?

I’ll be there at least by 6pm, but likely earlier - depends on how nice the gods of road traffic are to me today.