Advertising the SHH in Local Businesses

I was browsing in Maplin on Monday and had a chat with the Manager. I asked if it would be possible to have a poster for SHH put up in the store. He said if we could create something A4 portrait sized, then yes.

Might be worth targeting all local businesses that peeps like us buy from.

Any thoughts ?


Sounds good. We have some promo material already that we use for makerfaires and stuff, so should be able to put something together.

Excellent, I don’t mind doing the leg work and the sweet talking, but graphic design isn’t my strong point, so that’s good.

If someone can get me a softcopy of what we have in A4 portrait, I don’t mind printing, laminating and distributing.


Hey @graeme I realised we have a business card design, which we used to make our posters it is on github here Hopefully this will come in handy.

Are you a github user? If so I cna add you in so you can put any designs you make on there.

Great news with maplin, someone tried a couple of years ago and maplin were very negative about it.

Neato - I can print them out on high Gloss Photo paper - full colour/
photos so be liberal with colours… Might try my hand as well though I’m no
designer …
Can laminate also - though I’m thinking a glass frame that can stand on
it’s own? not sure where it’s supposed to be kept - near till

maybe some photos we can put in and I can print 1200 dpi - it’s an hp
officejet but it does produce stunning photos…
As it’s a contract printer - I have a fixed cost per page in the order of
peanuts rather than pounds !! plus it’s regularly maintained (ie gets
replaced within a week of my complaining about it…)

Hi @gingebot, yes I’m on Github, I’m Dissemin8 (I’m in the watch list if you want to cut and paste my ID from within github).

@mrdino - Maplin are going to stick the A4 portrait advert on the wall but they haven’t decided where yet. Personally I think it would be good at either the tills at the front or at the till at the back. I think people tend to spend more time looking for something to read when waiting at the back till (I do anyway). If neither of those suit the manager, then maybe near the bookshelf would be next best location. I’ll bear in mind you have photo quality printing resources when it comes to running off some copies. :smile:


New self-approved flyer

I finally managed to catch up with Elliot, the manager at our local Maplin store.
Our A4 mini poster is now displayed at the till at the rear off the store.
There is more good news as well. Elliot said he is prepared to offer maybe a 5 or 10% discount on production of an official SHH membership card. So, the sooner we have one of those the better. :smile:
I’ll post a photo of the poster in situ when I get a chance.


Good work Graeme :smile:

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That’s an excellent result nice one graeme

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Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Well, a couple of days later and our “sign” is still in pride of place slap-bang in the middle of the counter. If you are waiting for service, you can’t miss it.