FYI "Picking cyber locks" event in Woking

I thought someone might be interested to know that there’s a “Cafe Scientifique” event on in the Lightbox in Woking this evening (19:00–22:00):

Cyber Security - like all encrypiton - is based on keys.

Yes, keys - as in, well… keys…

In this entertaining and fascinating talk, James Bore, IT Security Manager for O2, teaches us how to pick locks. Real, physical locks… with keys. As a metaphor for cyber security keys.

Be warned, when James did this with students from Woking College, they could not tear themselves away. Picking locks is, it seems, addictive. Not to mention, it helps you to understand, vividly, why cyber secuirty is necessary - and how it works.

The organisers have created an event on Facebook if you’re interested, but you can just turn up.

Oh I would love to come along to this! I’ll see if I can make it :slight_smile: thanks for letting us know Julian.

Am I wrong for thinking it would be amusing for a bunch of us to go and ask lots of questions / heckle regarding specific security issues… :wink:
I’ll behave. However, working at a place that deals with cyber security I’ve been to lots of training sessions and will be interested to know what sort of stuff comes up in this talk!